--“Injinji“ is pronounced (In-gin-ji) and is an African term which describes when a drumming circle reaches a climax, the peak in the performance, when all of the participants are at one with the rhythm, when everyone hits a stride and there is unison among all.-- (from their faq)
When I mentioned this, my cousin said this is aun 阿吽 in Japanese. It is the building up of the drums in Taiko drumming.
So I have pulled out my Classical Japanese dictionary to look at the origin and meaning of this word... "Transliterated sounds from Sanskrit." (Strangely Sanskrit in Japanese just happens to be bongo :-) )
Mention of a Niou (仁王) and Komainu (狛犬) - the two gods who sit on either side of the temple gates in the esoteric Mikkyo Buddhism.
阿形 - Agyou - symbolizes overt violence - an open mouth and an outward shout or breath.
吽形 - Ungyou - symbolizes latent strength - a closed mouth and holding one's strength.
Together A and UN symbolize the Life and Death of all beings in the universe. And this is equivalent to the Sanskrit OM - or Aum.
The Upanisads describe Aum as the all-encompassing mystical entity. Today the symbol can be seen everywhere in India...
It is the Alpha and the Omega. Did someone say he was the 'Alpha and the Omega' ... or did they say 'I am the Ah (Α) and the Ohm (Ω)' In mysticism.. the Alpha is the infinite... Omega is the end. And in Amen